This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Developing Multi-Step Workflows


Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • How can we expand to a multi-step workflow?

  • Iterative workflow development

  • Workflows as dependency graphs

  • How to use sketches for workflow design?

  • explain that a workflow is a dependency graph

  • use cwlviewer online

  • generate Graphviz diagram using cwltool

  • exercise with the printout of a simple workflow; draw arrows on code; hand draw a graph on another sheet of paper

  • recognise that workflow development can be iterative i.e. that it doesn’t have to happen all at once

Learning objectives

By the end of this episode, learners should be able to understand the flow of data between tools and explain that a workflow is a dependency graph and sketch their workflow, both by hand, and with an automated visualizer and recognise that workflow development can be iterative i.e. that it doesn’t have to happen all at once.

Multi-Step Workflow

In the previous episode a single step workflow was shown. To make a multi-step workflow, you add more entries to the steps field. In this episode, the workflow is extended with the next two steps of the RNA-sequencing analysis. The next two steps are alignment of the reads and indexing the alignments. We will be using the STAR and samtools tools for these tasks.


clwVersion: v1.2
class: Workflow

  rna_reads_human: File
  ref_genome: Directory
    run: bio-cwl-tools/fastqc/fastqc_2.cwl
      reads_file: rna_reads_human
    out: [html_file]

        ramMin: 9000
    run: bio-cwl-tools/STAR/STAR-Align.cwl
      RunThreadN: {default: 4}
      GenomeDir: ref_genome
      ForwardReads: rna_reads_human
      OutSAMtype: {default: BAM}
      SortedByCoordinate: {default: true}
      OutSAMunmapped: {default: Within}
    out: [alignment]

    run: bio-cwl-tools/samtools/samtools_index.cwl
      bam_sorted: mapping_reads/alignment
    out: [bam_sorted_indexed]

    type: File
    outputSource: quality_control/html_file
    type: File
    outputSource: index_alignment/bam_sorted_indexed

The workflow file shows the first 3 steps of the RNA-seq analysis: quality_control, mapping_reads and index_alignment. The index_alignment step uses the alignment output of the mapping_reads step. You do this by referencing the output of the mapping_reads step in the in field of the index_alignment step. This is similar to referencing the outputs of the different steps in the outputs section.

The mapping_reads step needs some extra information beyond the inputs from the other steps, which is done by providing default values. If you want, you can read the bio-cwl-tools/STAR/STAR-Align.cwl file to see how these extra inputs are transformed into command line options to the STAR program. This information is provided in the in field.

To run the tool better, it needs more RAM than the default. So there is a requirements entry inside the mapping_reads step definition with a ResourceRequirement to allocate a minimum of 9000 MiB of RAM.

The newly added mapping_reads step also need an input not provided by any of our other steps, therefore an additional workflow-level input is added: a directory that contains the reference genome necessary for the mapping.

This ref_genome is added in the inputs field of the workflow and in the YAML input file, workflow_input.yml.


  class: File
  location: rnaseq/raw_fastq/Mov10_oe_1.subset.fq
  class: Directory
  location: hg19-chr1-STAR-index


Draw the connecting arrows in the following graph of our workflow. Also, provide the outputs/inputs of the different steps. You can use for example Paint or print out the graph.


To find out how the inputs and the steps are connected to each other, you look at the in field of the different steps.

Iterative working

Working on a workflow is often not something that happens all at once. Sometimes you already have a shell script ready that can be converted to a CWL workflow. Other times it is similar to this tutorial, you start with a single-step workflow and extend it to a multi-step workflow. This is all iterative working, a continuous work in progress.

Visualising a workflow

A CWL workflow is a directed acyclic graph (DAG). This means that:

  1. The workflow has a certain direction, from workflow inputs to step inputs, from step outputs to other step inputs, and from step outputs to workflow outputs and
  2. The workflow definition has no cycles. A CWL workflow is a dependency graph. Each input for a step in the workflow depends on either a workflow-level input or a particular output from another step.

To visualise a workflow, a graph can be used. This can be done before a CWL script is written to visualise how the different steps connect to eachother. It is also possible to make a graph after the CWL script has been written. This graph can be generated using online tools or the build-in function in cwltool. When a graph is generated, it can be used to visualise the steps taken and could make it easier to explain a workflow to other researchers.

From CWL script to graph

In this example the workflow is already made, so the graph can be generated using cwlviewer online or using cwltool. First, let’s have a look at cwlviewer. To use this tool, the workflow has to be put in a GitHub, GitLab or Git repository. To view the graph of the workflow enter the URL and click Parse Workflow. The cwlviewer displays the workflow as a graph, starting with the input. Then the different steps are shown, each with their input(s) and output(s). The steps are linked to eachother using arrows accompanied by the input of the next step. The graph ends with the workflow outputs.

The graph of the RNA-seq workflow looks a follows:

It is also possible to generate the graph in the command line. cwltool has a function that makes a graph. The --print-dot option will print a file suitable for Graphviz dot program. This is the command to generate a Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) file:

cwltool --print-dot rna_seq_workflow.cwl | dot -Tsvg > workflow_graph.svg

The resulting SVG file displays the same graph as the one in the cwlviewer. The SVG file can be opened in any web browser and in Inkscape, for example.

Visualisation in VSCode

Benten is an extension in Visual Studio Code (VSCode) that among other things visualises a workflow in a graph. When Benten is installed in VSCode, the tool can be used to visualise the workflow. In the top-right corner of the VSCode window the CWL viewer can be opened, see the screenshot below.

In VSCode/Benten the inputs are shown in green, the steps in blue and the outputs in yellow. This graph looks a little bit different from the graph made with cwlviewer or cwltool. The graph by VSCode/Benten doesn’t show the output-input names between the different steps.

Key Points

  • First key point. Brief Answer to questions. (FIXME)